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Which operating tables can be paired with a C-arm machine to achieve the best fluoroscopic results?

Views : 36
Author : HOWELL Medical
Update time : 2023-10-13 17:05:00

Where there is a need for surgical imaging, there is a C-arm, and where there is a C-arm, there is a need for an imaging table. The bed used with c-arm for general physical examination is called the film bed, the operating bed used with C-arm in operating room is called the C-arm operating bed, and the bed used with DSA is called the X-ray catheter bed.

Now, let me introduce you to the c-arm bed in the hospital.

1. Hospital film taking bed, hospital film taking bed has low technical difficulty and simple function. It can be moved by manual push, it can be lifted by electric power, and the bed surface can be X-ray transparent, as long as the patient lies on it to take X-ray.

2. Equipped with c-arm operating table, this type of bed is used in the operating room. During the operation, c-arm can be used to perform fluoroscopy on the surgical site. The operation table is required to have a large perspective space, the bed plate is carbon fiber bed plate, X-ray transmittance 99.8%.

3. Image catheter bed. DSA requires that the surface of the fluoroscopic bed has no metal and all carbon fiber board. Bed face can be around or so translation, can be around tilt, tilt and other movements.

The function and quality of medical fluoroscopy table affect the fluoroscopy effect of C-arm, and also directly affect the examination effect of patients. No matter the hospital or c-arm manufacturer, the choice of fluoroscopy table must be careful, not because of low quality fluoroscopy table affect the reputation of the hospital and c-arm brand.

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