Guangzhou Howell Medical Devices Co, LTD
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What are the microsurgical table for eye surgery and neurosurgery?

Views : 149
Author : HOWELL Medical
Update time : 2023-06-01 17:24:00

Microsurgical table is used for microsurgery, generally refers to the operation of eye surgery, ent surgery, neurosurgery used in the operation table. The operating table is required to be low, even ultra-low.

Microsurgery table is also called neurosurgery table, which is also used as an ophthalmic surgery table in some hospitals. Different hospitals have different names, but you can find the product you need no matter what the name is. Howell Medical provides hospitals with the most suitable operating table for surgery.

This is HE-608N neurosurgical operating table is suitable for neurosurgery and orthopedic departments, and is also used in some high-end cosmetic hospitals.

Neurosurgery Table

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