Guangzhou Howell Medical Devices Co, LTD
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What is the difference between an orthopedic operating table and a normal operating table?

Views : 148
Author : HOWELL Medical
Update time : 2023-05-20 17:33:00

You must have seen ordinary operating tables, but you don't know about the special orthopedic operating tables.

Ordinary orthopedic operating table means ordinary operating bed connected with the traction frame.

The orthopedic special operating bed is the operating table including carbon fiber bed board and connected with a carbon fiber traction frame.

The high-end orthopedic special operating table is end-column operating bed with carbon fiber bed board connected to a carbon fiber traction frame.

higher-end products, simpler to use, higher surgical efficiency, of course more expensive.

Stainless steel material are impenetrable to X-rays, carbon fibers are completely transparent to X-rays. Usually orthopedic surgery requires X-ray irradiation of C-arms. According to the difference,Surgeons prefer a carbon fiber orthopedic operating bed.

Let's take a look at some pictures of carbon fiber orthopedic surgical beds

Orthopedic operating table produced by Howell Medical

surgical table price
