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What kind of operating bed is suitable for surgical navigation and positioning system?

Views : 138
Author : HOWELL Medical
Update time : 2023-07-17 17:58:00

Surgical Navigation and Positioning System Special Operating table

The surgical navigation system may sound strange, but it is actually a surgical robot.

It can assist doctors to perform surgery, usually in the following categories;

Orthopedics, neurosurgery, vascular intervention, general surgery, and endoscopy. Of course there are some recovered robots, but that's not our topic today.

Special operating tables for surgical navigation and positioning systems are commonly used in orthopedic and vascular intervention operating rooms, because they have high requirements for operating tables, while other departments do not have high requirements for operating tables.

Today, let's talk about the requirements of the orthopedic surgery navigation and positioning system for the operating table?

Because the surgical robot needs to cooperate with DSA, CT, MRI, O-arm, and 3-D C-arm, it is required that part of the table surface of the operating table can be free from metal shielding and magnetic interference.

This requires that the operating table has a section of the bed plate that is made of carbon fiber and does not have any metal.

Therefore, the first choice for the operating table——Howell double-column operating table

If the budget is lower, you can choose - Howell 608P operating table

Below are pictures of these two operating tables with surgical robots.

jackson table surgery
