Guangzhou Howell Medical Devices Co, LTD
Guangzhou Howell Medical Devices Co, LTD
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What requirement do nerve surgery and ent division operation have to operating table?

Views : 132
Author : HOWELL Medical
Update time : 2023-08-13 17:48:00

1. Neurosurgery requires the use of a dedicated neurosurgery table, which can be rotated and has an ultra-low table height.

2. Howell Medical neurosurgery table can also be used in beauty hospitals. The requirements of beauty surgery in beauty salons are the same as those of neurosurgery tables. Ultra-low position required, rotatable. A number of plastic surgery surgeries are already using the Howell Medical operating table.

3. Howell Medical also produces neurosurgery head frame, three-point head frame, craniocerebral surgery retractor and other products, and acting Mayfair head frame.

4. Howell Medical production of polymer gel pad, the necessary products above the operation table, to prevent patients from table sores.


Harbin Howell specializes in the production of electro-hydraulic neurosurgery table, ultra-low operating table, craniocerebral operation table

Neurosurgery Operating Table
